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For registration to the WEB site, you need to choose register in menu, fill all necessary information and follow the instructions.


IMPORTANT is that you register in the corresponding section:


1. For the owners – the section is intended for users who wants to use a searche agent or do sell, lease their own property. 


2. For agents / agencies – the section is intended for users who work in real estate, sale, purchase, rent, registration services, etc. Agent and / or the head of the agency may choose to register agency, or already registered agency where he works. The user sees, in which agency, the city and the territory work the agent, also, contact information, number of ad, etc. The agent may be an independent agent and not belonging to the selected agency.


3. For companies (products and services) – section is intended for companies, private entrepreneurs and firms that offer their products, goods and services. Presumably, that firm, which registers on the site must offer the products, goods and services related to real estate, renovation, design, construction of houses etc.