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The secret of the popularity of the "loft" style


There are many styles of interior design for living. Each owner has his own tastes and priorities. Today, more and more often you will hear about the loft style from designers and lovers of fashionable interiors. There are supporters of such an interior, who love it for its minimalism, airiness and huge space. There are people who still don't understand what its brilliance is. Today we will talk about the characteristics of the loft style.
What is loft style and where did it come from?
The very concept of "loft" is of English origin. This word means "attic", "upper space" or "pigeon". The use of this term in relation to design began in the first half of the 40s of the last century.
The basis for the use of this style was laid when after the war, abandoned factories and factories were converted into living spaces.
The peculiarity of the design of the loft style is that there is a combination of incompatibility. For example, large brick facades, old ventilation shafts, modern metal furniture, a large number of mirrors and modern appliances.
The style is characterized by bright or warm colors. Preference is given to cold shades, rich dark or light colors. Huge areas are not divided into rooms, instead zoning is used, and free space remains in excess.
The use of unusual details and decorations in the interior should be a characteristic feature of the loft style. At the same time, these details are presented in a minimal amount in the design of the apartment

There are many styles of interior design for living. Each owner has his own tastes and priorities. Today, more and more often you will hear about the loft style from designers and lovers of fashionable interiors. There are supporters of such an interior, who love it for its minimalism, airiness and huge space. There are people who still don't understand what its brilliance is. Today we will talk about the characteristics of the loft style.




What is loft style and where did it come from?


The very concept of "loft" is of English origin. This word means "attic", "upper space" or "pigeon". The use of this term in relation to design began in the first half of the 40s of the last century.


The basis for the use of this style was laid when after the war, abandoned factories and factories were converted into living spaces.


The peculiarity of the design of the loft style is that there is a combination of incompatibility. For example, large brick facades, old ventilation shafts, modern metal furniture, a large number of mirrors and modern appliances.


The style is characterized by bright or warm colors. Preference is given to cold shades, rich dark or light colors. Huge areas are not divided into rooms, instead zoning is used, and free space remains in excess.


The use of unusual details and decorations in the interior should be a characteristic feature of the loft style. At the same time, these details are presented in a minimal amount in the design of the apartment

When did the loft style become popular?


Although the loft originated in New York in the 40s, it began to gain popularity in Europe only in the first half of the 70s of the 20th century. At first, these design elements were used in England and Germany, and then throughout Europe.


As for the popularization of the style in America, Andy Warhol played an important role in this process. It was thanks to him that this direction began to spread in New York. Renting furnished and decorated spaces was out of reach for small businesses. At that time, entrepreneurs not only opened their workshops and businesses in abandoned factories, but also began to arrange housing in such spaces.


Currently, loft is actively used in Asian countries, especially in Japan. He achieved popularity through restraint and free distribution of space, which is suitable for a comfortable life for a single person as well as for the whole family.




Comfort and beauty in apartment design


Many experts note that a loft-style apartment can be comfortable for creative people. It is unlikely that conservative people will appreciate the comfort of such a design. Nevertheless, due to its minimalism and comfort, it attracts many young and modern people.




Why the loft?


Lighting. This style is characterized by a huge space, large windows, a lot of lighting and free space, which helps to create a very pleasant atmosphere.

economy. The loft is characterized by minimalism, both in terms of furniture and accessories. A simple rule works here: the less, the better.

Absence of space limitation. The owner of the house has the opportunity to zone the space according to his wishes. In this case, the rule applies: minimum units.



Based on this feature, almost anyone can create a loft-style home. The absence of plaster and partitions are two factors that will help the home owner create this style.


When asking why the loft is popular nowadays, it is necessary to highlight the economic component. When buying an apartment, not every family can make expensive repairs. However, with the help of the loft style, you will be able to create a very beautiful interior with minimal effort.

Information source: https://www.homeis.ge