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Have you bought a plot of land and don't know where to start building a house?


Have you bought a plot of land and don't know where to start building a house? Building anything today involves a lot of effort and expense, but this lengthy process can be mitigated by planning some steps in advance.
In today's article, we will tell you how to prepare everything for the start of construction and approximately how much money you should allocate for providing housing.

Have you bought a plot of land and don't know where to start building a house? Building anything today involves a lot of effort and expense, but this lengthy process can be mitigated by planning some steps in advance.

In today's article, we will tell you how to prepare everything for the start of construction and approximately how much money you should allocate for providing housing.



First of all, keep in mind that there are certain rules for building an individual house, and it is better to know when it is better to start construction. The best time to build a house on a plot is the part of the year when there is relatively less precipitation and relatively high temperatures, which will help reduce heating costs.

The best option is to start construction at the end of spring, when the ground has already softened and it is not too hot, but keep in mind that the prices of construction materials increase relatively in the spring-summer period, so it is better to buy them in advance.

As for the main costs, it depends on your taste and the quality of the materials, but there are some basic things to consider when planning your budget.

House project

Before starting construction, you need a project, which you can buy ready-made or hire an architect who will make the project according to your taste.

The prices of the project are different and depend on the location of the plot, the architectural firm and your wishes, although the cost per square meter, on average, starts from about $20.

building material

The choice of material largely depends on the location and climate. The type and condition of the soil should be considered.

However, there are also construction companies that will select the materials for you and start the construction of the project. Considering the price range in Georgia, the so-called The cost of "black frame" starts from about $150 per square meter, and in the case of "white frame" - from $250.

Before starting construction, you should determine all necessary costs, which include site preparation, transportation of materials, workers' compensation, obtaining permits, garbage removal, and other issues. In addition, prices depend on the proximity of roads and availability of nfrastructure.


Of course, the project can be standard or based on your individual wishes. Obviously, the design of a standard house will be relatively cheaper than an individual one.


Information source: https://www.homeis.ge/